Our Mission:

Advance forest agriculture, so forests and people thrive together.

VIDEO: our vision for remaking the world with forest agriculture

Our 50 year vision is for forest garden ecosystems to sustainably supply a large portion of all food and forest products people need and use for healthy living. We have a special focus on the eastern United States where the Forested research garden is located. We also offer education and services with worldwide application.


Who We Are

Lincoln Smith, founder of Forested, teaches or co-teaches our many courses. He also creates and designs forest gardens for homes, commercial properties and public spaces. He is passionate about production ecosystems, and brings a background in agronomic science and sustainable landscape design. Lincoln started Forested, LLC to develop and share research in forest gardening. He is a regular speaker on forest gardening at venues such as University of Maryland, the U.S. Botanic Garden, and the Maryland Master Gardeners' Conference.

Lincoln spent 5 years in a high-end residential landscape architecture office, designing and managing the installation of estate landscapes and advancing sustainability. He holds a Master of Arts in Landscape Design from the Conway School, and earned LEED certification in 2008.

What We Do



TEST forest agriculture plants & methods



TRAIN people in forest gardening

acorn food

acorn food

MARKET new forest foods & supplies

food forest park design meeting

food forest park design meeting

DESIGN forest gardens


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Banner Image Source: Google Earth