Plant plants, move mulch and explore the forest garden.
Cost: Free
Description: Come help plant trees, learn the best way to mulch, and provide care to some plants in a 10 acre research forest garden. Facilitators will provide training in tree planting and mulching methods. The work day will include a tour of the forest garden, and interested participants can receive a list of forest garden plants.
Qualifications: Participants should feel comfortable working outside in any weather. Some heavy lifting might be required. Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Sturdy footwear is required as well as appropriate outdoor clothing. Please bring a pair of work gloves if you have them. Optionally, bring mulch forks, shovels, wheelbarrows and/or buckets; please label all tools you bring!
Location: Forested in Bowie, MD. Be sure to read how to get into the site here. Google Maps by itself will not get you here.
Food: Water will be provided, but please bring snacks/lunch.
• Take a tour of a large young forest garden.
• Learn the best planting techniques for growing success.
• Meet people with similar interests in forest gardening and permaculture.
Registration: Please email Lincoln to let us know you're coming.